First, I have to confess I am susceptible to marketing. Sometimes more than I want to. That is balanced by my poor but creative student life and extreme shopping resistance when it comes to big purchases.
But little things...Oh Lord, where do I start?
Hehe, actually I’ll start right from the beginning of this post - make up.
Never-ever shall I forget my first make up micro investments, and the brand “Ruby Rose”, which was at all possible convenience stores in Russia. I don’t know what they made that stuff form, but it costed suspiciously little-to-nothing.
I guess a decade of using this colorful (probably) lead-rich junk would leave scars and frightening discolorations on my face, but I loved it then. Comparing with no make-up at all it looked so much better! Plus naive ignorance of “ingredients” list, and my youth became bright and happy.
But now it’s completely... the same story! :))
Ok, I do not buy Ruby Rose anymore and every once in a while glance over the ingredients list, but little things bought here and there make me more happy than one big purchase once a year.
This way new green oriented mineral cosmetic brands found their way straight to my heart! I tries bare minerals, raw minerals, signature minerals and some others I can’t even remember..
There are some shops on Etsy which do similar thing, but I’ve already found the hero of the Day, guys.. Sorry, maybe next year I’ll look aside, but
Everyday Minerals are SO GOOD!
And needless to say, SO Cheap! So many colors, and such cute decoration!
So Ladies and Gentlemen!
One more addition to my make up heaven -
eye shadow brush (synthetic, but works perfectly!) and two “
try me free” kits:

I personally love the fact that they offer these trial sizes (which are NOT so small, actually), because for me they are the optimal amount of make up I need, especially when it comes to eye shadows.

P.S.: I have no personal or any other relation to this brand, I’m just fascinated that some people do such a good job at producing and marketing their business.