Monday, August 29, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Flooded with new beautiful things all around me

I'm stocked about some of the accessories I recently got! Well, two in particular I can't take off me and can't take my eyes off:)
Workshop at South Tahoe led to a halfo of an hour shopping in a aeroport jewelry shop. I wish we had one like this in Maryland! everything for 10$ - and boy, they had lots of flirty and cheerful peices!
I ended up buying this golden bracelet with caramel enamel with pure crystals. The secret of its appeal is the shape - elliptical, so it sits on the wrist like it was there since my birth date!not falling off, catching the clothes or irritating during motion - it's so smooth, so spot on perfect!

Another piece is my Birthday gift (ahhh!..:)). I try this ring probably every single evening, but I don't dare to wear it. Its preciousness and grandiosity are intimidating. What if I loose it? What if I scratch it? What if?...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dangerous liaisons

People and situations are starting to have a stronger influence on me that before. Though it may be just a stressful state of affairs around me, recent changes in life and jiggling bunch of tasks around.
Nevertheless I bought 4 dresses and some other clothing right before going to bed on Saturday. And not just some dresses, I shoped at a expensive luxury online store. No kidding, that order was out of my budget. Not dept creating purchase, but definitely zero savings kinda purchase.
How did that happen? - I asked myself on Sunday. The term "emotional shopping" sounded like a joke for me till that weekend. It felt daunting, but it was necessary to rationalize how things like that can happen without internal error message popping up "getting out of controool! Slow down, Lady!"
We talked with a friend about shopping that evening, we shared our views on "beautiful" vs "functional" dresses, exchanged links for shopping, and.. oh yeah,meanwhile we rewatched 6 episodes of SATC !..
Guilty pleasure leads to guilty behavior, ha...
I guess it gets comical before it gets scary. Maybe that's why I am a bit afraid of clowns, the exaggerated colorful smiling faces, that are fixed with elusive real persona hiding behind all that paint. Looks flashy and funny, but you feel there is something not that smiley and very different secluded in there. I guess not being able to critically see the dynamics of one's environment should feel similar.

The good thing is I learned a lesson: never combine all guilty pleasures in one night, especially after tiresome day.
The bad things is... I got my dresses today.
and I love every single one of them....
I hoped so much some of them wouldn't fit or would be not as shown online, or the wrong size, or cheap fabric or etc. Actually they are very much what I expected. So luxury shopping experience is sort of addictive, now I see why.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New beads!

Shiny and colorful, just got them from a wonderful store in Durham!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Color inspired collages

They are so easy and fun to make! Since the collage style usually implies the superiority of the color and image quality over the idea\product itself, it becomes crucial to have stellar photos of one's craft\art\work.
I hope this treasury list I recently posted on Etsy will aesthetically please your eyes!:))