Sunday, January 23, 2011

Let's get this party started!

I recently came across the fact that I did not have any bright and dressy earrings to go out. Obviously I have ton of jewelry, and keep getting and making more, and yet...
something was missing.
So I bought some absolutely stunning baroque-inspired components, light-weight and shiny acrylic, glass abd gemstone beads and... basically played a lot with them all!
See what appeared in the result:)
Best Party in Purple Earrings

Art deco cluster Ring (size is adjustable!)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Peach days are coming

It is always very flattering in a ticklish way to be featured in the thematic treasuries.
Today I was thrilled to notice that it is the second time in a week when my works are featured in the Peach color inspired collages. Well, it is a fashion trend apporaching or.. I am such a peach lover that everybody sees right through me:)))
Check out these cuties and think about what color do you want to feature in your wardrobe;)

Friday, January 14, 2011

My favorite baby:)

I was drawing and drawing, waisting paper and losing patience. And not a  single idea of one curve that will look aesthetic and eye captivating was not coming to me.
Accidently I dropped the sketch book, looked sideways, glanced back.. and it was there - in the intersections of other lines and shapes.
Then a long and meditative play with colors and beads, adding up, editing down, here and there...
And here is my absolute favorite creation at the moment - Quaint Lantern Earrings!
I hope you like them as much as I do:)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Harry Potter sorrow

Not that I always loved Harry Potter. To be honest at first I wasn't even interested, to be frank not at all.
Looking at the bits of HP movies here and there I got an impression these are kids books, little boys and girls running around with wonds in a whimsical world with white and black characters.
Then my good friend who happens to be fond of HP gave me a whole lecture on how many personal, psychological and moral themes these books raise. 
And there it started...
First we watched all the movies one by one, then when many details still appeared to unclear, I got all 7 books in audible format. This was the best audiobook listening experience I have EVER EVER had!
Stephen Fry is genious in impersonating and creating a flowing narration that is impossible to pause.
However I know I would not be able to read all those books, i would get too bored and tired of sitting. And also these books are more about action and themes than exemplary or stylistically elaborated literature.
So I lived with these audiobooks and Stephen Fry's voice for two months. Harry Potter world entered my own, and any spare time I spent hugging my mp3 player and listening to some more Harry Potter.
Happy, dreamy times...

And now it's over. I have to confess I am suffering a painful Harry Potter withdrawal. 
It feels like some big part of my life was cut out or a family member died.
Movies, other books, internet surfing - nothing is as interesting as those audio books were.
A week passed and I feel no better. 
Ahh...Harry Potter world...will I ever get over your wonderful so welcoming presence?...
P.S.: aaand yeah...I did develop a little crush on Snape..))

Sunday, January 2, 2011