Oh my, you gotta see this! Sephora put bunch of last year gift holiday sets on sa
le + plus this year set by BareMinerals, that's I'm drooling over:
39$ |
Nevertheless I picked up two other sets, both by Tarte cosmetics. The reason is I always wanted to try Tarte products, as any other makeup junkie, I love trying new things for the sake of exploration:)
Since I recently got into a habbit using almost exlusively cream\gel\gliding eye shadows, I couldn't not pass
this set by Tarte, called
Precious Gems Limited-Edition Waterproof Cream EyeShadow Collection:
29$ |
I looked at the swatches online and liked them a lot, then looked at my VIB 15$ off card and told myself, it's time! According to my calculation each eye shadow cost me ~5.4$ (+sales tax -15$ sale - free shipping(no time\gas spend driving to sephora store) - 1/2*15$sephoravib card)
Pretty good isnt' it?
32$ |
I bought this last fall, and returned. I just thought that the quality of the eye shadows was not as good as their price, even though it was a gift set, in which one suppositely get a good value.
But now with 32$ price tag, it's a whole new game!
First of all, I found way more swatches and reviews for this ste this time around. I understand better the eye primer world too, AND I know a few people who would love to get one or two of these as gifts!
So I've got plenty of options here, plus.. again.. too good of a deal to pass even without VIB -15$ gift card.
Here the calculation goes, I paid total 27$ (+sales tax - shipping\gas\time -16$sale - (1/2)*15$VIBcard), which equals to ~1.3$ per Tarte eye shadow!
And I haven't even counted the Amazonian Clay bronzer,blush and highlighter! I didn't even count the lip gloss and free clutch!
Needless to say, I'm stocked, guys!
Here are my personal recommendations\picks of what esle you could be interested in picking up on sale in sephora right now (it's going to be GONE by next week, I have no doubt):
29$ |
27$ |
The other ones I have more doubts about, so I didn't include them here, but there are way more gift sets on sale right now (December 4,2012), then you have seen at this post.
I hope you found it helpful!
xoxo, Maria TwosRuse.