At the same time after visiting the Guggenheim museum and tracing Kandinsky’s art, I’ve got so inspired by the abstract expression! I am captivated by the idea, that you are free to use any forms and colors to express the irrational feeling you get by some object , and yet anybody can recognize the object you were impressed by. This refers to the transition period of Kandinsky’s art, when he started to form his “color” philosophy and empirically study, how the shape and color affect an observer. At the same time, his paintings still contained the recognizable objects, although their forms are smoothed, changed and color modified. This inspired me to make the “Pregnant dancer”, “Tree folks” and “Sitting Lady” pieces.

All these earrings are natural in colors, sophisticated and thought provoking. The more you look at these earrings the more possible shapes you recognize, more of object’s dynamics you observe. However, these earrings are the complete opposite of the urban collection.
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