A Fragrance always was a special entity on my beauty table. And the more special things one has the merrier, right? So I used to have a collection. Not small, not big, although my judgement of excessiveness was rarely adequate, I managed to have about 5-15 aromas at a time.
In the poor student days, this was the closest point to luxury. One might not have a designer dress or expensive gemstone jewels, but one can always smell like a paradise with almost any paycheck. So I did! I smelled like a ton of all possible paradises from all possible universes one can only imagine.
Only one well-known belief clouded my happy and ignorant existence. All the romantic novels stated that a "woman-to-remember" always has ONE unique smell, not a dozen. This secret suppositiously makes a man to remember her by the set of unique features, including the unforgettable perfume. In such way, all glam magazines and novels stated, if a man feels the smell anywhere he will remember the woman undoubtedly.
Even having no Man hanging around, I considered my options. First was to kill all the women using my perfumes (not very philanthropical and even less achievable), second, I could stick to one fragrance and hold it till my last sunny day, and third, I could just ignore this rule altogether and continue to be a happy flourishing jumble of paradises.
No doubt what option I chose. The longer life goes the more I realize that it is much more natural to improve what's good in me, than to suppress and invent something which is not there at all.
However, this brings the very speculative question of whether people can change, which I skip for later.
And for now, here is my latest perfume obsession - Coach perfume spray! It's DIVINE!...

Ahhhh! I want it so badly !
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