Friday, January 4, 2013

Illamasqua Nail Varnish Duo: Viridian & Glitterati

Illamasqua is an intriguing British brand, they thrive on being different, over the top and freaky.
They also claim to be innovative in their formulas and bring the outmost luxury of makeup into women's world. Easier said than done, I suppose. 
The most praised products by Illamasqua that I have seen are blushes and nail polishes. 
Thus I naturally had to grab Viridian/ Glitterati duo, when I came down to 19$ on sale in Sephora (- 20% off using the code EXTRA20).

Let's see what we got here! The shape is quite posh looking, I like the cap details and overall rectangular shape. BUT as soon as I unscrew the top lid, it would not align with the rectangular bottle later, unless I left the lid somewhat loose. Weird, and not exactly good. Now it doesn't look as nice and posh:(

The colors themselves are very dark, shimmery and wintery,which is good! 

Let's go one by one. 
I'm going to swatch and compare Viridian is swatched and reviewed in a separate post , so is Glitterati (check it out, it's worth it!), to make this one more laconic. 
All in all, I'm not wowed by these. Given the price point of 11-14$, I would stick my 3-4$ China Glaze  and 4-5$ Orly from and Sally Beauty Supply. 
The Viridian is a bit nicer than the Glitterati, but not that unique in my book.
Glitterati preserves the rainbow sparkle to some degree on the nail, but not nearly as much as it shows up in the bottle. And I don't like the texture, when Glitterati dries down.
Final IMHO: return, and spend those 20$ on something else worthy!

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