Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sephora Coral Glow Ultra Vinyl Lip Pencil lip swatch and comparison

vinyl lip pencil nars dupe balm stainI got this one for 5$, as "out-of-my-comfort-zone" type of shade. It is vaseliny and viscoues, yet and glides on the lips very well. The base gel-like color is warm red, however it contains tiniest pink-magenta flecks that beam through. I can't feel them, so texture-wise Coral Glow is very pleasant to wear.

 This pinkish shimmer creates such vibrancy and crazy reflections on the lips, that I thought it would be too much. But oddly it works, it looks very festive and juicy!
Keep reading to see the comparison of Sephora Coral Glow with all Reds from my makeup collection!;)

Here are more lip swatches for you!

And to make this a bit more comprehensive, I compared Sephora Coral Glow with other reddish lip products I have in my disposition:
NYX Antwerp Soft matte lip cream, Sephora Coral Glow Ultra Vinyl Lip pencil, Sleek
Scandal Pout Polish, Revlon Cherry Tart  Lip Butter 
None of them has the same reflective flaky effect though, but you can see how the  shades compare with each other.
Sephora Coral Glow - in the middle. See the pinkish reflections

Top to bottom: Revlon Cherry Tart Lip butter, Sleek Scandal Pout Polish, Sephora Coral Glow Ultra Vinyl Lip pencil, NYX Antwerp soft matte lip cream

balm stain lip pencils
Top to bottom: Revlon Cherry Tart Lip butter, Sleek Scandal Pout Polish, Sephora Coral Glow Ultra Vinyl Lip pencil, NYX Antwerp soft matte lip cream
As you can see the closest match in overall base tone is Cherry Tart by Revlon, but Sephora Coral Glow has this magical magenta reflections, that neither of my possible "dupes" possess.
My overall impression is that it is a total steal, given the color uniqueness and 5$ price tag!
You can still find a bunch of these in actual sephora Stores.
I've got more of Sephora Ultra Vinyl lip pencils swatched here: check them out!

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